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Your Who matters most
Be the Best person to tell Your story

As Communications Consultants, we, at Sunshine Media Network, strategize, discover, nurture, and strengthen your unique stories and teach you how to excel at telling them. Our clients put in the work to become experts, are ready to stand in the spotlight, and are ready talk about what they know and who they are. We help you be seen and heard by amplifying your who.  We lean into what makes you special which is what attracts loyal customers and builds your business.

 You’d benefit from our services if:

We are Storymakers

See how our Storymaking team at Sunshine Media Network fits you.

Learn how to be the Best Person to tell Your Story

At Sunshine Media Network our work has proven to build a solid foundation for our clients, develop national reach, and position them as thought leaders in their field. Stories are what resonate and connect with an audience. We lean into your distinct  knowledge and experiences to identify your stories and voice that sets you apart.

We want you to stand apart which means you will:

Communication Clients

We help You tell your Story

What We Do for You

We help you get really good at talking about yourself. And we’ll be your biggest cheerleader. We are drawn to unique stories, talents, and expertises that come in all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Much of our work is removing barriers, building relationships, and investing creative energy into stories and voices that will benefit the greater good. 

You have the magic in you, our team brings it out by:

Nichelle Sublett, on stage with the Ted Chapel Hill logo behind her
From goals and vision to the largest stage you dream of, Sunshine Media Network supports experts and entrepreneurs every step of the way. After being crowned Mrs. North Carolina in February 2018, Nichelle W. Sublett hired Sunshine Media Network and worked with our Storymaking team for 1 ½ years. Together, we created and implemented her hashtag campaign #StartAsking. Our team oversaw the content for her website rebrand and ensured consistent messaging. Through our Storymaking work, Nichelle was featured in national print news and magazine outlets and on local television networks. She was able to negotiate corporate sponsorship deals and she still receives corporate campaigns from our work amplifying her as an expert in her space. With our coaching and writing assistance, Nichelle graced the stage and presented at TedX Chapel Hill in 2019 and her speech was accepted to the national TED platform in 2020 where it has 9.8K+ views and continues to spread her mission and purpose to #StartAsking.

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